Quality Policy
Quality is our Only Priority
The simplest definition of quality is: "Every product or service has a requirement: a description of what the customer wants. When a product meets that requirement, it is considered to have achieved quality." Quality is an important attribute of the product, irrespective of whether it is an industrial (intermediary) or consumer (end-use) product.
We are poised to provide good value for money. We strongly believe that in business; An organization is represented solely by the quality of its products and services. Mass production is the lifeblood of current manufacturing situation, but mass production at the cost of compromised quality is strictly unacceptable.
We understand the value of customer's time and money, that is why every part of HariKrishna Entech undergoes through three rigorous level of quality checks. We use both Mechanical and Manual quality inspection to confirm zero defects. We are ready to bet everything on our Quality Guarantee,and the reasons for the same are our strategies of quality controllisted below.
Machines, Inspections and Instruments
Machines are the most significant production instruments next to humans. The fundamental belief of HariKrishna Entech's Quality Management is QUALITY MACHINES produces QUALITY PRODUCTS,on that note, we have invested and acquired assorted ranged of specialized, semi specialized andhighly calibrated machines with state of the art functioning which are capable to process and produce consistent products throughout the cycle.
Machines can produce consistent products and they can also check the product quality but without human supervision it (machines) can not guarantee for the zero defects, for the same reason we have employed a team of qualified engineers to testify and certify the products, they carry out random and rigid inspection in ratio of 5:50 (at least 5 pc must be checked per 50 pc produced).
Human inspection is again dependent upon quality control instruments, zero defect product can only be achieved with zero defect quality inspection instruments and therefore we only insist on using best available inspection instruments such Caliper, Gauges, Micrometers and many more
Quality Statement of HariKrishna Entech
We must conduct our business with integrity, honesty and transparency. Everything we do must stand up to public scrutiny.
Quality can be improved only by adding value to the product and not merely by eliminating the defects.
Quality management is not an expense indeed, but it is an investment that adds value to our commitment and pays off in the form of customer satisfaction.
We graciously accept the product liability, so destroying/recycling thousands of defective products is acceptable to us in contradiction of supplying single piece of defective product.
Customers do not have time to check the quality of the product, we are responsible for this.
We are committed to achieve sustained quality improvement.